Thursday, March 29, 2007

Video Available

I put together a short video introducing our sons to our church family this past Sunday. I have a private, secured download link for any of you who would like to see it. Simply shoot me an email ( and I will pass along the information. Please do not forward the information or video to anyone as the information and pictures of the boys are completely confidential.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Our remodel has begun!! We now have two gaping holes where the egress windows will go and the outline of a room has been painted on the floor. We have been absolutely blown away by the kindness and generosity of our Church family - seriously, we have been stunned. Men from the church are donating their time and skills and the ladies will be helping Jennifer with our Spring yard sale and they are throwing a "Big Boy" baby shower for us. This has been another great reminder for us that as the Body of Christ works together, we see the love of Jesus poured out. I am hoping to get some pictures of the progress posted tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Eagle Has Landed

Well they made it. I think after this trip Jennifer will never try such a crazy stunt again. Overall the girls did fine, but it was a long and trying plane ride. They are currently at my parents for a few days and then off to her family's place. Both of my brothers, sister, and grandmother were all able to see the girls, so the visit has gone very well. Ana is having a hard time adjusting to a new schedule, faces, and timezone and Bri...well, she is just being Bri. My parents have come to the realization that my kids are high energy and high figure!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Off to Georgia

Hello, everyone! It has been awhile since we posted but life has happened! We are also at a point in the adoption where it is just a waiting game. The paperwork has been turned in and now it is the gov'ts turn to go through everything and decide if everything is in order. I talked to my friend and you can pray for the boys' paperwork. It is running a little bit slow. We give an update at our church on Sunday and we will have table set up with things and info about Ethiopia so it should be really good.
The girls and I are off to Georgia on Tues. Yes I am flying by myself with 4 kids to GA!!!! You can definitely pray for me for that flight. It is 2 hours to Colorado and 3 hours to Georgia. Thankfully this airline has individual TVs at each seat with a cartoon channel and I think it will be well worth the $5 to get that!!! We are still having issues with our youngest, and she will be tested for Aspergers when we get home. She does not do well with new things and she has a very hard time seating still for long periods of time like 30 seconds! She does well in a car seat so I am bringing one on the plane but we haven't done long trips in one so pray, pray, pray!!!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Grant Money and Dossier!

We got a grant!!!!!!!!!! We are so excited about this. It is almost $2000.00. God has been so faithful with this. Each week we have had people giving to help us adopt our boys and we are just overwhelmed with gratitude.
We also finished our dossier which is the big paperwork that goes to our gov't and then the Ethiopian gov't where we get permission to adopt the boys. You can pray that God's hand will be on that paperwork and that nothing gets lost and it all gets to every where it needs to in a timely manner.
We also learned from my friend that our middle son, Josiah is causing some trouble in the orphanage that he is in. It is just harmless boy trouble but they are really wanting to move him to a place that has more boys his age. Right now he is in an orphanage for younger kids so he is bored. He can't be moved until they get the paperwork we just sent out yesterday so pray for this.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Orphans in Need all over the world

This weekend we had our dear friend Stuart come to our church who is part of the ministry organization called Proclaim International. He has his hands in minstry all over the Balkans-Albania, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, and many more. Our church is sending a missions team to Romania this summer to join with Stuart's daughter and son-in-law who run a camp for the orpans of Romania. It is a team of about 15 with Patrick heading up the team that will go in June to help minster to about 50 orphans. The situation is very sad in Romania because the gov't has made it pretty much impossible to adopt from there so these children will probably never have a stable home. So for this week they will be loved by the team and they will hear the love of Christ and how He can be their Father always. Pray for them as they prepare to go this June. Also pray for your heart and how you can minister to the many orphans all over the world!