Monday, January 15, 2007

This is a BIG Week!

Our case manager left yesterday to head to Ethiopia. She is taking our photo albums and 3 gift bags that we made up for the boys. This is all very exciting because she will actually travel out to the orphanage to see the boys and tell them that they have a family waiting for them. We are hoping that she will be coming back with more pictures, video, and updated information regarding the boys.

My travel plans are still early summer between June and July. We have much to do until that time so we are plowing ahead.

Prayer Requests

  1. Please be praying for the health, physically & emotionally, of the boys as they spend these last few months in Ethiopia. I am sure that the transition will be rather traumatic for them.
  2. Pray for our case manager as she travels into Ethiopia. While Ethiopia is a pretty safe place to travel to in Africa, Americans can be a prized target among the terrorist world.
  3. Pray for the boy's hearts as they hear that a family is pursuing them for adoption - a flood of emotions will hit them like excitement, anxiety, depression, fear, and doubt.


Lukas and Gretchen said...

Wow!! We are certainly keeping you all in our prayers. May the Lord bless you beyond what we can even pray!

paddy1mac said...

Thanks guys! And thanks for stopping by - it's been a great ride so far!

Eric 'n Leah said...

Hey Patrick! Thanks for commenting on the Naugle we can keep updated on your familys growth spurts too! We look foward to 'seeing' your boys!