Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Learning to be a Kid Again

One of the challenges that an older Ethiopian boy who has last his father must face is learning to be a kid again and letting go of being in charge. Here are a few blissful pictures in the eye of the storm.

(The little boy with Noah is their younger biological brother who was adopted by a family in Spokane last year. That family was told that Micah was an only child and that both parents had died. Clearly Micah is not an only child and their mother is still alive.)

Caleb, Micah, and Noah (background: Josiah and Makayla)

L to R: Josiah, Ana, Makayla, Bri, Emma, Caleb, Hunter (Micah's adopted brother),
Micah, ? (Micah's adopted sister), and Noah

L to R: Caleb, Noah, Josiah and Makayla before the "big race"...(Josiah won by about 50 yds.)

F to B: Josiah, Caleb, Noah (this was their first time in a boat and their first time seeing a "large" [its not] river - Noah stopped us to pray and ask God to protect us...it was a little funny)


SIX Thirys said...

What great pictures! It's so nice to see the boys smiling. Do you have any pictures of your whole family together? That's sad about Micah. Why are so many adoptive families not told the true story (ie Bades..)