Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Obediently Irresponsible

We just received another large donation from a giver which enabled us to meet the deadline to send the dossier. We have been absolutely overwhelmed by donations (many of them anonymous, small and large), work on our home, prayers, gifts, and promises of support once the boys get here.

Someone asked the question, "Do you think it is irresponsible to pursue an adoption when you have no money to support it?" My answer, yes! Financing this whole thing was the very issue that made me tell Jennifer "no" when she first brought up the idea of adopting. This is an issue that is heavy on my heart and mind and I constantly fight to give it to Christ. But as I have reflected on this issue I have rested my mind on several points.

  1. I would rather be obedient and irresponsible, than responsible and disobedient.
  2. Noah was probably pretty irresponsible when he dedicated a huge portion of his life, earnings, and time to building a boat in the middle of nowhere.
  3. Moses was probably pretty irresponsible when he led millions of people into the desert with little to no means of feeding, housing and protecting them.
  4. Barnabas was probably pretty irresponsible when he approached Saul, the Christian killer, when no one else would trust his salvation experience.
  5. Jesus was probably pretty irresponsible when he allowed people to beat Him, mock Him, and ultimately kill Him to save many people who hadn't even been born yet.
We "felt" like God was calling us to obey Him, to exercise our faith in doing something that didn't make sense. In that, we have been put into a place of trusting the Lord with things that we have absolutely NO control over. And He has been very faithful in starting this good work and we are convinced that He will complete it. So when I put it in that perspective, I figure we are traveling in pretty good company.

Thank you all again for making this Adventure with us through your encouraging words, service, prayers and support of irresponsible people. I am sure our sons will thank you when they get here also ;)