(You can Google the video if you still want to listen to it)
Above is a video of American Idol 2005 Carrie Underwood singing "I'll Stand By You" The video is a montage of Ms. Underwood when she was visiting Africa for Idol Gives Back. If you purchase the song on iTunes the purchase price will be donated to Unicef, Save the Children, Malaria No More, Nothing But Nets and the Global Fund.
We saw this on someone else's blog and wanted to share it.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Carrie Underwood - I'll Stand By You
Posted by paddy1mac at 1:15 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 28, 2007
It has come to our attention that there was some slight droppage of a few balls with our adoption of the boys over the past few weeks. We were supposed to receive a grant from an agency but it was never sent. They were waiting to receive an invoice from our Adoption Agency who had no idea that we had received the grant. Our Adoption Agency needed to be told to send the invoice by us who didn't know that we needed to do anything except receive it. Soooo....our paperwork has simply sat on someone's desk until Jennifer started asking questions and pushing buttons - she is made for that kind of stuff.
Kingdom Kids came to the rescue! They coordinated between the giving and receiving agencies and expedited all of our paperwork - they went above and beyond what we would have expected and have lavished the love of Christ on us. I told Steve, the President of KK, don't worry about it - you don't have to spend so much time, effort and money on this. We are patient and can wait. Steve simply said, "That is not good enough for us. We need to get your sons home to you and will do whatever it takes to insure that!" And he MEANT it.
We received an email from CWA telling us that our dossier (all of our paperwork) has been sent and should arrive in Ethiopia in 4 days!! We are so excited! The dossier is one of the largest hurdles to jump in this process and now it is completed!! We now begin the waiting process. The paperwork has to be processed/translated in Ethiopia and then we wait for a court date.
Posted by paddy1mac at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Remodel Update
The progress on the basement has slowed considerably with the family being home and a couple of our key guys taking vacations. So far they have hung all the Sheetrock and are about %85 done with the mudding, taping, and sanding. The outlets have been wired and turned on as well as the light switches. We have a few more small electrical things that need to be finished but that portion is mostly complete. The things that remain are:
1. Carpet
2. Texture/Painting
3. Toilet/Sink
4. Doors
5. Ceiling
Just a few minor things ;)
We are excited and can not wait to finally move in. Cutting our living space in half has been quite the challenge but we are adjusting - its amazing what Benedryl and Barney does to kids ;p
Posted by paddy1mac at 8:33 PM 3 comments
Labels: remodel
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
We're back!
Hello, everyone! The girls and I are back from Georgia. It was a great visit to be able to see all of our family, but it is also very good to be home. We are quite a bit to do before the boys come home. The basement is looking really good and the guys are really working hard to try and get it finished! We had a few mishaps in Georgia. Emma and Kayla both got metal in their eyes and Emma's had started rusting so that was a huge ordeal. They both were very brave girls, and they are doing fine now. Kayla also got knocked down by her cousin's horse, and it was a very scary thing. God was definitely looking out for her that day and we are very thankful she is still with us. Remarkable she still loves horses, and she would love to have one in our backyard! Well, I just wanted to say hello. Thanks for continuing to support us in prayers and finances! As someone said to me, "It is just not the McConnells who are adopting these boys but all of us!"
Posted by Jennifer at 7:59 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 20, 2007
Disneyland on Crack is Open!
Everyone returned safely on Wednesday and we have been enjoying family time since then. I took a few days off and we have been taking it easy and just spending time.
Posted by paddy1mac at 4:25 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 16, 2007
Almost Home
Posted by paddy1mac at 7:55 AM 2 comments
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Remodel: Sheetrock
Above: Master bathroom entrance from the bedroom
Below: Master bedroom
Above: Office - extended a little to include a window and add more space to the office.
Below: Family Room closet that holds the bathroom pump

Posted by paddy1mac at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 13, 2007
I have learned a lot in the past two weeks and I still have a week to go. I have a friend, we will just call his name David, who is constantly reminding me to be teachable. Don't get me wrong it's a good thing to be reminded to be teachable and I thank God for men like David who are in my life and do not hesitate to challenge me.
So today, this post is in honor of David.
10 Things I Have Learned,
10. I enjoy silence for short periods of time, but am comforted by the sound of life, activity and energy.
9. My family has become so much a part of my life that I have a difficult time having a direction and acting on it when they are not around.
8. The human body is made to sleep for 6-8 hours at a time with no jarring breaks in the middle of it and when the body is allowed to get that kind of sleep it functions much better.
7. 'Coffee Time' with my wife every morning is extremely important to me and I value her prayers, her feedback and her interruptions when I am reading. :)
6. The Rocket Bakery, a few blocks away, is a great place to have a cup of coffee, eat a day old Danish and watch people laugh, love and argue.
5. I do not enjoy cooking for one person, but love the hustle and bustle of preparing a meal for 6!
4. It takes about 2 weeks and a good cleaning for the weird kid smells to leave a bedroom and I am beginning to miss it.
3. I have been disciplining myself to go to bed at 12 instead of 3, and have learned that the sun comes up well before 6am.
2. I have learned how to take a digital picture from a video camera, how to manage a blog, how to operate a Mac, and how I know nothing about contruction.
1. I have learned that I am a family man. Whether it be a gift or a curse, I love our growing family and honestly have a hard time operating without them. Many people have told me that they are always challeneged and amazed at our faith in pursuing kids - now I know that it has more to do with the way God has built me than it does with faith or courage. I have learned that I have many areas I need to grow in in order to parent my children in a God honoring, life preparing, joy filled way. I have learned that I am not obeying God in diligently teaching my
children the truths of Scripture and that I rely too much on others to do it for me. I have learned that a gentle word turns away wrath and that I need to exercise that more with my wife and children. I have learned that my Mom thinks I can walk on water and that my Dad thinks I have the faith of Abraham and the stength of Samson.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
"Wrenching Politics" Concerning Stillborn Babies?
Dr. Al Mohler wrote the following in his blog yesterday as he considered a bill going before the CA Senate.
Should stillborn babies be assigned birth certificates?Here is the perverse logic of our times comes down to this: A baby stillborn in one hospital room is granted a birth certificate and a death certificate. The baby's parents are required to bury or cremate the baby's remains (true in all 50 states) and the baby is usually named.
Meanwhile, just down the hall, another baby of the same gestational age can be ripped apart in its mother's womb and removed as unwanted biological material. That baby is not named, is not granted a death certificate, and is not listed among the hospital's births. The insanity of this should be obvious to all.
You can read the entire post here.
Posted by paddy1mac at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Remodel Update

Posted by paddy1mac at 11:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Obediently Irresponsible
We just received another large donation from a giver which enabled us to meet the deadline to send the dossier. We have been absolutely overwhelmed by donations (many of them anonymous, small and large), work on our home, prayers, gifts, and promises of support once the boys get here.
Someone asked the question, "Do you think it is irresponsible to pursue an adoption when you have no money to support it?" My answer, yes! Financing this whole thing was the very issue that made me tell Jennifer "no" when she first brought up the idea of adopting. This is an issue that is heavy on my heart and mind and I constantly fight to give it to Christ. But as I have reflected on this issue I have rested my mind on several points.
- I would rather be obedient and irresponsible, than responsible and disobedient.
- Noah was probably pretty irresponsible when he dedicated a huge portion of his life, earnings, and time to building a boat in the middle of nowhere.
- Moses was probably pretty irresponsible when he led millions of people into the desert with little to no means of feeding, housing and protecting them.
- Barnabas was probably pretty irresponsible when he approached Saul, the Christian killer, when no one else would trust his salvation experience.
- Jesus was probably pretty irresponsible when he allowed people to beat Him, mock Him, and ultimately kill Him to save many people who hadn't even been born yet.
Thank you all again for making this Adventure with us through your encouraging words, service, prayers and support of irresponsible people. I am sure our sons will thank you when they get here also ;)
Posted by paddy1mac at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Remodel: Master Bathroom
You can see our window down the bathroom hallway looking into our bedroom.
The open space to the left of the shower is the entrance from the bedroom into the bathroom.
The plumbing for the bathroom is in. You will see a black pipe in the walls and that is connecting to the sink which will be on the left. In front of the shower and a little right of the window will be the toilet.
The bathroom, master bedroom, guest bedroom and 3/4 of the office have been roughed in. The plan is to start running the wiring today, do some more framing and finish up some small plumbing things.
Many of you have been asking if we have heard anything else about the boys and the answer to that is no. News out of Ethiopia is pretty limited so we cling to any little bits that we receive. As far as we know all 3 are doing well. Josiah is still at the Infant Orphanage in Sodo and the brothers are still living with their Mom. Our Dossier (all of our paperwork) is getting ready to be sent to Ethiopia now.
Posted by paddy1mac at 8:07 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 09, 2007
Georgia On My Mind
Here are some of the pictures from the family in Georgia. Jennifer's Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister-n-Law and new nephew are pictured alongside the girls. I have been talking with them everyday and it sounds like they have had a good time catching up with everyone and are ready to come home. April 18th seems like a lifetime away, so please continue to pray for us.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
The Darkest Day
Most people think that yesterday was the darkest day. It is the day that we celebrate the murder of Jesus. But I think in the moment, today was actually the darkest day for the Disciples. The day of the crucifixion would have raced by - the trials, the crowds, the whipping, the beatings, the mocking, the march to Golgotha. I could never imagine what those men were feeling as they saw their Lord hanging on a cross, I am sure it was surreal. And I do not want to take away from the horrors of that day - it was the day that the King of Glory died. Jesus, the I am, the bread, the life, the way, the truth and the life - dead.
But the next day, the horrific shock would have begun wearing off. Logic, reason, cold emotions - reality would have begun to set in - Jesus is DEAD!...and we may be next.
It's hard when someone you love dies. The shock of the moment is overwhelming, but it brings numbness with it. Death overwhelms the mind so much that you begin to have a hard time thinking, reasoning, making decisions...operating, it's a very pleasant and built-in thing. It's the next day that the reality of that death sets in. It's the vacancy of carpenter smell, rough touch, a familiar laugh and presence. It's not being able to walk behind him down the road and wonder at this man that you follow after. It's not being able to see his feet strike the ground when He walks, it's having your reason for living suddenly torn from you. It's the vacancy of life that wakes you from your terrified numbness.
It's the next day that it wears off and you feel the thundering loss of the whole thing. Today is that day or at least the day we remember it. So as we go about the normalcy of our day today, remember that it was today that the Disciples were waking up to the reality that God had been killed.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
The Work Continues
Dave P.
Daryl L.
Kyle B.
and Tom G.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Dossier, Demo & Wordpress
Hi All,
Thank you all for the encouraging words and continually stopping by and keeping up with our happenings. We are very close to sending our dossier off to Ethiopia, so that is very exciting news.
The guys were downstairs today beginning to do some demo and frame work, so I will post some picks up later this evening or in the morning.
We are in the process of moving our blog to a WordPress blog. There are a lot of reasons for our move - mainly customization and an expansive list of options that WP offers. When we make the switch I will post up our new link so you can update your bookmarks.
Posted by paddy1mac at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: blog, demolition, dossier, wordpress
Monday, April 02, 2007
Remodel: Windows
Here are some pictures of the remodel in progress. Two egress windows were cut last week and new windows installed. Dave is outside right now putting the window wells in place. I was amazed at how much light flooded into the basement with those windows opened up. Wednesday they will start framing and hanging insulation. I am going to go and pick up a new toilet and pedestal sink for the new bathroom sometime this week. Jennifer doesn't have an Internet connection where she is at so you will be seeing this even before she does. I'll keep ya updated.

Posted by paddy1mac at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: dave, egress window, remodel