Friday, July 20, 2007

keith watson: THE Mission of the Church

keith watson: THE Mission of the Church

Keith is a cousin by law and a brother by Royal Adoption. He is also very like-minded and at one point in our history we were entertaining the possibility of ministering together. We made our plans and the Lord directed our paths, so I am in Spokane and he is in Macon.

He is in the process of following the Lord's command to make disciples in Macon, GA. I was catching up on some of his posts today and stumbled across this one. I love reading Church Planters because they are forced to think through things that an established church usually does not. I loved the simplicity of the mission of the church as he sees it and as the Bible instructs us and wanted to introduce him and share his thoughts here.

If you want to watch the establishment of a local church come together by the supernatural leading and orchestration of God...then read along with Keith!


keith said...

Thanks for the link, bro! I hope that your readers will join you in praying for us - as we join them in praying for you and your great adventure!
I cannot wait to read and hear about these coming days.

paddy1mac said...

Thanks bro - I continue to enjoy watching you guys on your journey. It's a free education for me and you get to pay for it! What a deal!!

Seriously, we will continue to pray. We are very excited to watch the Lord use you and Amy in ministry there in Macon and can't wait to come and visit.

keith said...

Patrick - I am sendin a book to you thru your ma-in law - The Celtic Way of Evangelism.
It is about St Patrick missional approach to reaching the Celts and the Catholic Church's displeasure with him. I figure you'll have plenty of time for reading coming up! It is a copy that I used to lead a discussion group - ignore the notes I scribbled.

paddy1mac said...

Awesome, I look forward to reading it. Send me your mailing address( - I have a book for you called "Family Driven Faith" by Voddie Baucham. It looks like a good read...I have one on the way to myself. If you get a chance, check out these two sermons by Voddie at North Point in Atlanta - ( My Sunday School class is watching them as part of our curriculum.