Sunday, March 04, 2007

Orphans in Need all over the world

This weekend we had our dear friend Stuart come to our church who is part of the ministry organization called Proclaim International. He has his hands in minstry all over the Balkans-Albania, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, and many more. Our church is sending a missions team to Romania this summer to join with Stuart's daughter and son-in-law who run a camp for the orpans of Romania. It is a team of about 15 with Patrick heading up the team that will go in June to help minster to about 50 orphans. The situation is very sad in Romania because the gov't has made it pretty much impossible to adopt from there so these children will probably never have a stable home. So for this week they will be loved by the team and they will hear the love of Christ and how He can be their Father always. Pray for them as they prepare to go this June. Also pray for your heart and how you can minister to the many orphans all over the world!