Saturday, December 16, 2006

New Videos

We received new videos of Caleb and Noah. We quickly unwrapped the video and put it into the VCR. We had been waiting for awhile for the new footage and was very anxious to see how the boys were doing. This second video had just been filmed opposed to the several month older video and pictures that we had.

We popped the video in and sat baffled for a moment. I said, "Who are these kids?" The boys totally didn't look like the earlier videos and pictures that we had received. Caleb had grown his hair out and Noah had shaved his head - they were totally opposite. Caleb was also much darker (black) and Noah was lighter (caramel). The boys looked like they had received some newer clothing and were clean. Their Mom was with them this time and shared several comments. She hopes that Caleb will become a Pastor one day and Noah either an engineer or doctor. She hopes that both boys will one day adopt like she hopes they will be adopted. The boys looked like great young men and we were even more encouraged by them.


Kailyn Renae said...

That's one fine looking family!

paddy1mac said...

Thank ya sir! It was great to see you guys!!